The Cross at the Center of Your Life – Galatians 6:11-18

The Cross at the Center of Your Life

Joe Fauth  Galatians 6:11-18


  • Paul sees something as so important that he writes in his own words rather than use a secretary to take dictation
  • Paul contrasts between those who despise the cross and those who delight in the cross those who despise the cross

Those Who Despise the Cross

What are the reasons that people despise the cross?
1. Because of pride
  • “As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, they would compel you to be circumcised.”
  • The cross is a blow to pride (1 Corinthians 2:18 seen as foolishness)
  • These false teachers, like many today were concerned with making a good showing.  They wanted to show off their religion. 
2. Fear
  • “that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.”
  • Fear the persecution
3. Hypocrisy
  • Want to present themselves as something other than they really are those who delight in the cross

We cherish the cross because

  1. It gives us freedom
  2. The foundation for a new life
  3. Favor with God
  • The Israel of God, those who have earned favor with God

  • To speak of the cross is to speak of the person of Jesus Christ

  • In the cross God persuades us too his love for us


How to delight in the cross

“But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

  •   What this means is believing that Jesus Christ died for your sins in your place on the cross. 
  • That is boasting in the cross–glorying in the cross. 
  • Every true Christian relies not on his own goodness or self-righteousness or merit or worth but every Christian looks back on the cross of Christ and finds the greatest blessing the world has ever known. 
  • Because it is in the cross of Christ that every Christian finds:
  1. Freedom from bondage to the world (6:14)
  2. Foundation for a new life (6:15)
  3. Favor with God (6:16)

How to Cultivate Delight in the Cross?

  1. Embrace it! (that is to come to trust in Christ alone)
  2. Make use of the gifts God has given you;
  • the bible,
  • prayer,
  • God’s People (church),
  • sacraments