Children’s Ministries at Calvary
Elementary Sunday School
Our Sunday School classes are divided up according to grade groupings: 1/2, 3/4, 5/6. We have a strategic plan for the content of these classes so that as the children progress through the grades they will have instruction on the nature and character of God, the person and work of Jesus Christ and so that they will have had an overview of God’s plan of redemption through the Old and New Testaments. For all of these classes we use the Children Desiring God curriculum.
Children’s Church
For children who attend the 2/3 and 4/5 Sunday School class we also have a children’s church during the main service (10:30am). As with the Sunday School classes, we provide an environment where children can grow in their understanding of the greatness and glory of God through Bible instruction and song.
KtC – Kids Treasuring Christ
KtC or Kids Treasuring Christ is our Wednesday evening children’s program where we provide a fun opportunity for children to sing, learn God’s word, memorize Scripture, and interact with their leaders.
KtC functions from the end of September through to early May.

Summer VBS
Each Summer we conduct a VBS as an opportunity to both reach into the community and provide another avenue for learning for the children at Calvary.
Parents – Help us Partner with You
Interact with the teachers, find out what they are teaching, pray for them and encourage them. You are also welcome to sit in on a class; just mention your interest to the teacher.
Partner with the teachers and interact with your children at home on the truths that they are learning in Sunday School. Ask them questions and help them apply the truths they are learning throughout the week.
Bring them! We can only minister to your children if they are there. Please seek to be consistent as this helps the teachers prepare and teach, and helps your children learn faithfulness. The classes are sequential so it is important that the children are able to learn from week to week.
Be Prompt! A way to encourage the teachers is by ensuring your children are on time. This gives maximum time to the lesson and prevents unnecessary interruption.
Pray! For your children, for the teachers, for the helpers. Pray that God’s truth would be proclaimed with clarity and that children’s hearts would be receptive to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.